brew | Brew your own beer

Without a doubt, one of the most comprehensive and easy-to-follow guides on home-brewing. For all lovers of craft beer, Brew - Fabrica tu propia cerveza, by James Morton, is an unmissable text that invites experimentation and the search for satisfaction that comes with it. with all the creation process and even more so when it comes to making your own beer at home.

Easy to read, with a hard cover and impeccably printed on heavyweight paper with high-quality, full-color illustrations and photos. This is the edition presented by Librooks which can be easily found on Amazon. It has been translated from English and its original title is Brew: The Foolproof Guide to Making World-Class Beer at Home.

James Morton is the author of the books "How Baking Works" and "Brilliant Bread", winner of the Guild of food Writers Cookbook of the Year award in 2014. He graduated as a doctor of medicine in 2015. In addition to his weekly column for the Sunday Mail, writes about beer for various publications and has won several national brewing awards. James lives in Glasgow, Scotland. You can follow him on twitter at @bakingjames

The book proposes a patient and detailed reading, both for those who never thought about brewing beer and want to understand a little better about this drink; as well as for those who already have some notions and a few kits under their belt but want to remedy some flaws. However, it will also be useful for those with experience who want to keep improving, as well as for professionals who are looking for inspiration to explore new ways of doing things.

The first part of the book is aimed at familiarizing the reader with the basic concepts of craft beer, going through the unavoidable rules when it comes to manufacturing, a detailed explanation and without technical terms of all the processes, tasting suggestions, as well as a guide to the most common beer styles and their characteristics.

Then the author delves into the manufacturing processes and the necessary equipment, whether you are going to make from a kit, or from grain. He also makes a detailed trip on the ingredients and tips for the selection and correct use of them.

The most interesting part, in our opinion, are the recipes. They all promise a top-notch beer, some have entered competitions and achieved that rank of supreme quality. However, the author invites to venture to introduce variations. Finally, James presents a very useful section to evaluate possible errors and learn to recognize them and classify them by smell, taste and appearance.

Text: Gaby D'Aloia Photography: Italo Morales